recruits may be nominated by
any member of the Super
Group (SG) by notifying a
captain or current leader.
All invitations to join must be
approved by the leader or a Captain.
Stay in SG mode (at least
until level 34 because you have to choose between Prestige or Influence at
that point) even if you are not in SG costume colors. It is appreciated if you
are in SG mode as long as
you can.
become (promoted to) a
full-fledged member, there
is a criteria new recruits
have to meet.
Be active in the
Sublime Seven
for mininum of 60 days.
Group as often as possible
with members of the
Sublime Seven.
Gain 100,000 Prestige for the
Sublime Seven.
Final decision made by the
current the leader.
For possibilities of any
further promotions you
need to be a member of our
Hero or Villain SG only.
Captains will be demoted
(unless you inform the
leader or
another Captain that you
wish to stay as Captain) if
they are away from game for
more than 60 days.
If you will be leaving the game for a
short period of time, please notify the leader or one of the Captains or your inactive
membership may be terminated after not being on for
more than 90 days.
Exceptions may be made for
individual circumstances.
You may be
kicked from the
Sublime Seven
at any time for
failure to team with other
SG members when called upon.
Stay in SG mode (at least
until level 34 because you have to choose between Prestige or Influence at
that point) even if you are not in SG costume colors. It is appreciated if you
are in SG mode as long as
you can.
All members are required to
visit this website and participate in our Forums website at least once a week to
view any announcements or participate in any discussions in our private forums.
All members are expected to
group with the SG on Friday's. Friday's is currently our City of Heroes night.